Thursday, 3 November 2016

Keeping Ourselves Safe - Homework Discussions


This week in Keeping Ourselves Safe we learnt about different types of touch – touch we like, touch that hurts and we want to stop, and confusing touch that we want to stop, such as sexual touch. 
Encourage your child to tell you when someone hurts them or touches them in a way that makes them confused. 
Always listen and act when your child tells you about experiencing unwanted touch. 

Please help your child with the activities below. 

Ask your child for examples of touch we like, such as hugs. 

Ask your child for examples of touch that hurts and that we want to stop. 

Ask your child how each of these situations make them feel and what they should do about it: 
 An adult that you don’t know comes up and takes your hand. 
 Someone at school pulls your hair. 
 The babysitter puts their hand down inside your underpants. 
 Someone hugs you too tight and gives you a sloppy kiss. 

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