Sunday, 20 November 2016

Keeping Ourselves Safe - Homework Discussions

People who wish to harm children, whether they are known and unknown to the child, sometimes use tricks or bribes to get a child to go with them, or do what they say. If they have abused a child they may say that it is a secret and that if the child tells, something bad will happen or the child will get into trouble. 
Help your child to tell the difference between good surprises and bad secrets. 
Tell them that a good surprise makes people happy and it is okay to keep this kind of secret. 
Tell them that a bad secret makes people feel sad or scared, and they need to tell an adult. 
Tell them that they can always tell you about a bad secret. 
Listen if they report tricks or bad secrets to you and do something to help. 

Please help your child with the following activities. 

1. Write down a good surprise. 

2. Write down a bad secret. 
Give one of the situations below to your child. Get them to role-play telling you about this. Repeat with the other situations. 

 Your friend has been playing with matches and has asked you not to tell. 
 Your cousin showed you ‘rude’ pictures and said it was a secret. 
 Someone stopped you on the way home and asked you to help look for their lost puppy. 

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