Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Keeping Ourselves Safe - Homework Discussions

Children and the people they live with should make safety rules together that will help stop children getting into unsafe situations. 
Children under the age of 14 should not be left home alone, unless adequate provision has been made for their safety. 
Work out family safety rules with your child. 
Review these rules often. 
Practise what-if situations with your child – for example: What if I was late picking you up from school? 
Praise your child when they behave in a safe way. 

Please help your child with the following activity. 

Pacifica Evening

Well done to our talented pacifica children who performed like professionals at the pacifica celebration.

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Keeping Ourselves Safe - Homework Discussions

People who wish to harm children, whether they are known and unknown to the child, sometimes use tricks or bribes to get a child to go with them, or do what they say. If they have abused a child they may say that it is a secret and that if the child tells, something bad will happen or the child will get into trouble. 
Help your child to tell the difference between good surprises and bad secrets. 
Tell them that a good surprise makes people happy and it is okay to keep this kind of secret. 
Tell them that a bad secret makes people feel sad or scared, and they need to tell an adult. 
Tell them that they can always tell you about a bad secret. 
Listen if they report tricks or bad secrets to you and do something to help. 

Please help your child with the following activities. 

1. Write down a good surprise. 

2. Write down a bad secret. 
Give one of the situations below to your child. Get them to role-play telling you about this. Repeat with the other situations. 

 Your friend has been playing with matches and has asked you not to tell. 
 Your cousin showed you ‘rude’ pictures and said it was a secret. 
 Someone stopped you on the way home and asked you to help look for their lost puppy. 

Our Swimming Day and Time is Wednesday 1:15 - 1:45

Thursday, 10 November 2016

It's Ara Teina's Turn to Bake

The schools next life pod fundraiser is being run by Ara Teina.  Are you able to help with baking? We are looking for donations of cakes, biscuits and slices that we can sell on Wednesday 16th November.

Sign up for a litter free lunch box card and go in to win prizes - Ask Mrs Baird or Mrs Sorby how to get a card

Keeping Ourselves Safe - Homework Discussions

My Body

This week in Keeping Ourselves Safe we talked about how important it is for children to say “no” to touch or behaviour that worries or frightens them or makes them feel uncomfortable.
Respect your child’s right to say “no” to touch they don’t like. 
Don’t ask or force your child to give other people a kiss or a hug. 
Support your child when they say “no” to touch or behaviour they don’t like. 
Help them keep safe online. 

Please help your child with the activities below. 

Role-play each of the following situations with your child. You may prefer to make up some situations of your own. The child should respond with one of the following phrases and practise walking away. 

No, I don’t like it. 
No. I want you to stop. 
Stop it ... I don’t like it. 
Stop it – it’s not allowed. 

Big brother or sister is teasing you. 
Mum or Dad is tickling you too hard. 
Grandma gives you a big sloppy kiss. 

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Keeping Ourselves Safe - Homework Discussions


This week in Keeping Ourselves Safe we learnt about different types of touch – touch we like, touch that hurts and we want to stop, and confusing touch that we want to stop, such as sexual touch. 
Encourage your child to tell you when someone hurts them or touches them in a way that makes them confused. 
Always listen and act when your child tells you about experiencing unwanted touch. 

Please help your child with the activities below. 

Ask your child for examples of touch we like, such as hugs. 

Ask your child for examples of touch that hurts and that we want to stop. 

Ask your child how each of these situations make them feel and what they should do about it: 
 An adult that you don’t know comes up and takes your hand. 
 Someone at school pulls your hair. 
 The babysitter puts their hand down inside your underpants. 
 Someone hugs you too tight and gives you a sloppy kiss. 

Sunday, 30 October 2016

Spring Fair

A big thank-you to the amazing families that came out to support us for the day at the spring fair.  Especially to those that organised, set-up and helped to sell smoothies on the day.

Check out our super smoothie makers;

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Keeping Ourselves Safe Homework Discussions

Homework activity: Feelings 

As part of Keeping Ourselves Safe we have been talking about how we feel. Being able to say how they feel, particularly if they are scared, sad, confused happy or angry, can help children keep safe. 

Listen when your child is saying how they feel. 
Ask them why they are feeling like that. 
If they are feeling scared, sad, confused, or angry, do something to help. 

Please help your child with the following activities. 

1. Draw an angry face 

2. I feel sad when ... 

3. I feel angry when ... 

4. Draw a confused face 

5. I feel scared when ... 

6. I feel confused when ... 

7. How would you feel if: 
 Mum was late picking you up from school. 
 Your friend gave you a surprise birthday party. 

 Someone kicked you very hard. 

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Keeping Ourselves Safe Week One

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In our first week of Keeping ourselves safe we will be focusing on who we are. 

One of the main aims of this unit is that children are able to give their name, address and telephone number if lost.

Please take the time at home to discuss this with your child, do they know their own address?  Do they know a telephone number of someone important if lost?

Combined with this we will also be talking about road safety and how to keep yourself safe around roads. 

What are some of the signs that we might see around the streets?  We would love to see some photos of signs in your street that the children could share with the class.

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Keeping Ourselves Safe

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Over term four we will be teaching the personal safety programme Keeping Ourselves Safe.

Keeping Ourselves Safe has been designed to give students the skills to cope in situations involving abuse. It has three overall aims:
  • to develop and strengthen children’s skills to keep themselves safe with other people;
  • to support and encourage abused children to get help from caring adults;
  • to make teachers and parents/caregivers more aware of the need to keep children safe from abuse by adults or other children.

Keeping Ourselves Safe will be mainly be taught in the classroom with Mrs Sorby and Mrs Baird, with support from the local Police School Community Officer as required.

To be successful, Keeping Ourselves Safe needs your help and support. Your child may have homework activities to work on with you.

It is important that you participate as much as possible and talk to your child about what they have been learning. This will help reinforce the messages the school is giving, and help your child to use his or her new skills with confidence. 

We will also be sending a newsletter home in the first week of school but in the meantime please follow the link below for more information.
Information for parents

Monday, 5 September 2016

Sushi on Friday

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Thanks to one of our amazing families you are now able to order Sushi for your children for their lunch on Fridays.

Simply pick up an order form at school (these can be found hanging on the yellow noticeboard just inside the classroom door) or print out the form from the link below;

Sushi Order Form

Return the form to the box at the office with the money (or pay by eftpos at the office) by Wednesday 3.30pm and the sushi will be delivered to your child's class in time for lunch on Friday.

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Saturday, 3 September 2016

Arahoe Spring Fair 2016

The Arahoe Spring Fair is on it's way and it's time to prepare
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When: Saturday 29th October
From 10am till 2pm
Where:Arahoe School Grounds
What: Making milkshakes
Our class have been assigned milkshakes.  We are currently looking into hiring the fun bike to shakes and will let you know when we have this ready to run.  

Room 22 will be looking for volunteers to run our stall on the day starting from set up at 8am right through to pack up at 2pm.  We will be asking people to help in two hour blocks so please let us know if you are able to support in some way, and what time best suits you.  
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