Thursday 10 November 2016

Keeping Ourselves Safe - Homework Discussions

My Body

This week in Keeping Ourselves Safe we talked about how important it is for children to say “no” to touch or behaviour that worries or frightens them or makes them feel uncomfortable.
Respect your child’s right to say “no” to touch they don’t like. 
Don’t ask or force your child to give other people a kiss or a hug. 
Support your child when they say “no” to touch or behaviour they don’t like. 
Help them keep safe online. 

Please help your child with the activities below. 

Role-play each of the following situations with your child. You may prefer to make up some situations of your own. The child should respond with one of the following phrases and practise walking away. 

No, I don’t like it. 
No. I want you to stop. 
Stop it ... I don’t like it. 
Stop it – it’s not allowed. 

Big brother or sister is teasing you. 
Mum or Dad is tickling you too hard. 
Grandma gives you a big sloppy kiss. 

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