Sunday 30 October 2016

Spring Fair

A big thank-you to the amazing families that came out to support us for the day at the spring fair.  Especially to those that organised, set-up and helped to sell smoothies on the day.

Check out our super smoothie makers;

Thursday 20 October 2016

Keeping Ourselves Safe Homework Discussions

Homework activity: Feelings 

As part of Keeping Ourselves Safe we have been talking about how we feel. Being able to say how they feel, particularly if they are scared, sad, confused happy or angry, can help children keep safe. 

Listen when your child is saying how they feel. 
Ask them why they are feeling like that. 
If they are feeling scared, sad, confused, or angry, do something to help. 

Please help your child with the following activities. 

1. Draw an angry face 

2. I feel sad when ... 

3. I feel angry when ... 

4. Draw a confused face 

5. I feel scared when ... 

6. I feel confused when ... 

7. How would you feel if: 
 Mum was late picking you up from school. 
 Your friend gave you a surprise birthday party. 

 Someone kicked you very hard.